Now it was time to head over to George's Lane to tackle Pop up pirates
Cats and Dogs Multi. I set off in the direction i thought it was to the first stage but had to back track to the car park and onto the road. Here is my log from the cache page - Having spent the first part of the day caching over near Coal Pit Road I was now ready to tackle a multi. Parked in the car park as suggested and set off along George's Lane to round up the missing animals. 1, 2 and 3 quickly done. Took some time with number 4 due to leaf fall covering it up but it was soon discovered. Continued on and located 5, 6 and 7. On arriving at no' 8 I was looking too low down but had to hold off my search to put some grit on the road to help a van up the hill. Once the van had passed with one happy driver it was back to the search for pet number 8 and it was soon found. I then worked out the final co-ords and to my surprise they worked. Got to GZ and with the help of the hint found the cache. Signed the log and left a whistle key finder that I took from Boggarts Behind You yesterday and had on my car key but it was starting to annoy me. It was now onto Douglas & George, In the Shadow of the Pike and Round the Ruins No 9, Prospect Farm plus a maintenance job at Two Tower View on behalf of Team_ShadowWalker. I also made it upto the Pike for the first time, smaller than it looks for a distance but a fantastic view from up there. Thanks for the cache, great fun doing it, took just over an hour.
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