The last time I visited the place I left empty handed. So today (12th Febuary) I decided to head back there I wasn't leaving until I had completed the two caches that beat me last time. These being Jacob's Ladder by Pop Up Pirate and Jacob's Other Ladder by Foinavon. Here are the logs from the cache page.
Jacob's Ladder - GC13Z2B - This was a bit of Deja vou for me. I had been here to pass the time away before heading for Januarys NWCMM. While walking around the reservoir I got side tracked onto The Other Jacob's Ladder Cache but without success. I walked back along a path and down some steps to get back to the car. These steps were Jacob's Ladder.
I headed to the ladder after finding 123, how mays resers can you see? and tried counting the steps on the way up and managed to get to 60 something. This is the point were I went wrong, left and right, how do you get them mixed up. After about ten minutes of searching and changed my direction and found the step down that I was looking for, how did I miss it in the first place, I had walked past it the last time I was here. Having a look around a I spotted the likely hide and there it was. The cache was half full with water so after cleaning the marbles inside I emptied the water out. Tried signing the log but struggled even with a pencil. Thanks for the cache.
I headed to the ladder after finding 123, how mays resers can you see? and tried counting the steps on the way up and managed to get to 60 something. This is the point were I went wrong, left and right, how do you get them mixed up. After about ten minutes of searching and changed my direction and found the step down that I was looking for, how did I miss it in the first place, I had walked past it the last time I was here. Having a look around a I spotted the likely hide and there it was. The cache was half full with water so after cleaning the marbles inside I emptied the water out. Tried signing the log but struggled even with a pencil. Thanks for the cache.
Jacob's Other Ladder - GC16D4X - Short Log - TFTC SL TNLN
Long Log - I know how much the cache owner loves those one line logs. I made my way to the cache along the upper path from PUP's Jacob's Ladder Cache and soon arrived above GZ. I had tried this before on a day when I must have left my brain at home. On that occasion I had scrambled up the hill from the lower path and by the time I got to the top I was too knackered to look for a cache. So called it and went back to the car.
I carried on along the path until I could see and easy way down and then back tracked to where my GPSr was taking me. I was going back a forth between two of the items in the hint. After about ten minutes of getting caught up in trees with my bag I had had enough. Dropped the bag on the floor, put the GPSr next to it and took a good look around with the hint in mind. Would you believe it, I was only stood right in front of the cache. It took me just one step up to reach it. Signed the log and then placed the cache back. Now for the trip down the hill to the lower path to continue around to Dotties Delight. Thankfully I had a trekking pole to keep me upright. Thanks for another exhilarating cache.
Long Log - I know how much the cache owner loves those one line logs. I made my way to the cache along the upper path from PUP's Jacob's Ladder Cache and soon arrived above GZ. I had tried this before on a day when I must have left my brain at home. On that occasion I had scrambled up the hill from the lower path and by the time I got to the top I was too knackered to look for a cache. So called it and went back to the car.
I carried on along the path until I could see and easy way down and then back tracked to where my GPSr was taking me. I was going back a forth between two of the items in the hint. After about ten minutes of getting caught up in trees with my bag I had had enough. Dropped the bag on the floor, put the GPSr next to it and took a good look around with the hint in mind. Would you believe it, I was only stood right in front of the cache. It took me just one step up to reach it. Signed the log and then placed the cache back. Now for the trip down the hill to the lower path to continue around to Dotties Delight. Thankfully I had a trekking pole to keep me upright. Thanks for another exhilarating cache.
All I can say is that this area is full of great cache and I haven't even scratched the surface. Can't wait for the long days to come round when I will be able to get up here before the birds wake up.
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