Sunday 21 June 2009

Llanberis - Diving and Caching

Decided to head to Llanberis for the weekend. The plan was to go diving on the Saturday at Dorothea and on the Sunday at Vivian dive centre.
On the Friday evening after setting up camp it was decided a change of plan was needed. Roy, the other diver and my buddy for the weekend hadn't dived for some time and not since his dry suit had been back to the shop for a repair to a leak. I had just got my regulators back from service so we decided to go to Vivian on the Saturday and just spend the Sunday wandering around Llanberis. This turned out to be the best decision as when Roy had his leak repaired the inflator valve had been replaced but had a different connector for the hose. We were able to borrow one from John at the dive centre. Then once in the water my primary reg was breathing wet all the time, this was because the diaphragm on the front had slipped and was allowing water in as I breathed. So after 29 minutes we surfaced and call it a day on the diving front.
It was back to the campsite then to pick Roy's other half up and a trip into Carnarfon. I had taken my GPSr with me and so decided to introduce them both to Geocaching. First stop was a cache on the path alongside Lake Padarn, Things me Dad told me. No1 - The Haunted Track. Parking just of the road we walked along to a gap in the wall where some steps took you down to the path and an old railway tunnel. We walked to the other end and then walked back through the tunnel using the hint to find the cache. The cache was located with the use of a head torch that I had in the car. I picked up a nomad geocoin and signed the log before replacing the cache just before some muggles entered the tunnel at the far end. It was then back to the car and into Caernarfon and some shopping. While in Caernarfon we had time to find one cache. It was on the other side of the marina from the castle and easy to get to via a swing bridge from town centre. After a short walk along a path we soon arrived at Coastal Castles Cache No.8 Big and Brash. There had been a number of DNF's on this and I'm not to surprised. The plant life was very over grown and hiding the hint very well but the cache was soon found. Signed the log and dropped in Finnegan Home again TB. It was then back to the car in time to avoid a parking ticket and back to the campsite for a bar-b-q. I spent the Sunday around the Lake and will post in a separate blog.
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