So on the 1st July I had arranged to go to Tatton Park to attempt The Tatton Incident Whereigo with The Syllogiser. We arranged to meet in Knutsford and drop one of the cars of somewhere in town and then head to the park. Having found the spot in the car park to start the adventure it was off on the trail. Don's PDA would not see his bluetooth GPS receiver when running the whereigo player and my Oregon kept switching off on the way around. The good thing about this whereigo is that you can get the multi cache of the same name before finding the final cache of the whereigo. The sun was shining and the midges and flies were out in force as we made our way around. On arriving at the final stage of the multi the cache was laying on open ground with the hint around it. After signing the log book and grabbing a coin from the cache we returned it to the hide and tried to cover it up better than when we found it. This was cache 999. It was then onto the final of the whereigo which was just a short distance away. On the was there I was confronted with a shallow ditch, not a problem unless you are in shorts like me due to the ditch being full of nettles. I had to take the longer route round but The Syllogiser just went straight through the middle of the lot. While Don search one location I looked in another and sure enough there was the cache. With the code word inputted into the whereigo cartridge and the completion screen shown I was now at 1000 caches. Time to head to the pub to celebrate.
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